Membership Application
- Membership Application PUBLIC (English)
Membership requirements:
Must work a minimum of 30 hours per week for one of the Federation’s bargaining units in a position covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Must have been with the company or organization for at least 90 days.
How to Become a Member:
Complete your probationary time with your employer. Contact your Federation Shop Steward, Federation Business Representative or stop by the Federation office and express interest in becoming a member.
Fill out an application for membership then mail, fax, email, or drop off your completed application.
Your application will then be reviewed by the Divisional Investigating Committee (D.I.C.). Upon approval by the (D.I.C.), your name will be presented to the membership at one of the Federation’s Division General Membership meetings (Meetings are held at the Federation office.) If the membership approves the new member, he/she is added to the membership.
Upon acceptance into the Federation, the new member will receive a welcome packet, and be eligible for all member benefits as long as he or she continues to pay dues. Failure to pay dues will result in being dropped from the membership.
Mail or Fax your completed application to the Federation Headquarters (1700 NW 66th Avenue, Suite 100; Plantation, FL 33313) for review or hand over your completed application to the Federation Shop Steward /Federation Business Representative.